Gravwell Blog

Gravwell 5.6.0 New License Tiers

Written by Kris Watts | Oct 17, 2024 11:55:56 AM

Gravwell 5.6.0 introduces two new licensing tiers called "Free" and "Community Advanced."  We have always prided ourselves on providing generous and low-friction access to our Community Edition, but we have also received two pieces of feedback. The first is basically "I don't want to give you an email address and I don't want to interact with you at all", the other is "We have no budget, we need an analytics platform we can actually install and manage."  Heard, loud and clear. Let’s talk about the new Free and Community Advanced license tiers.

Free You Say?

Gravwell Community Edition has always been free, but we have required that users sign up and receive a license file via email. While this is generally low friction and delivered instantly, it wasn't enabling our community like we wanted. The huge influx of 10-minute mail addresses drove home that point even more. Gravwell is pleased to introduce a new license tier which requires no interaction at all, just `apt install gravwell` and accept a EULA.

Cool, What's The Catch

The Free tier license is meant for homelab and non-commercial use only.  Free tier licensing does not require license installation and will not perform any metrics reporting or license checks beyond checking for available updates.  However, the Free edition reduces the ingest limit to 2GB/day.  So, you don't have to talk to us at all and it will never expire, but you can't use it for your business and the ingest limit is a little lower.  Gravwell Free Edition is yours forever, we can't take it away, and no one can tell you not to track whatever nonsense your new "Smart" TV is doing on your home network.  If you would like more information about other license tiers, check out the license documentation page.

What About That "Community Advanced" Thing

The other tier we are introducing is Community Advanced. This tier is designed to enable small businesses with limited budgets to get first class data lake functionality for $0.   The Community Advanced tier allows for 50GB/day ingestion, plenty for small businesses and entrepreneurs that need visibility into infrastructure but don't have budget.  Our goal here is two fold: first we want to enable users to stand up quickly and deploy analytics in environments where it otherwise might not be possible, second we want to grow with you.   Start with Gravwell and when your startup takes off and you are ready to process 100TB/day of infrastructure logs, we are ready to scale with you.

Just head on over to the CE Advanced Edition page and sign up page for a free license.

Is That It?

Gravwell 5.6.0 also has a ton of new goodies and bug fixes.  The eval module has maps, better asset sharing, better Kit management, improved SSO support when you have a boatload of groups, better persistent search reporting, a new Flow node, and much more.  Check out the 5.6.0 ChangeLog for more information.